Voting YES on P will protect affordable higher education and career training at SBCC

For over 100 years, students from Carpinteria to Goleta have relied on SBCC for the high-quality college education and career training needed to transfer to four-year universities and prepare for essential careers in nursing, healthcare, public safety, hospitality and skilled trades.

As university costs continue to rise, nearly 50% of local high school graduates rely on SBCC Foundation’s Promise Program for free full-time study for two years.

Most classrooms, labs and job training facilities at SBCC were built over 60 years ago and need repairs and upgrades to meet current academic, building, and safety standards. Many have asbestos, lead, and do not meet current earthquake safety standards.

Voting Yes on P provides locally controlled funding to repair and upgrade aging and deteriorating college facilities WITHOUT INCREASING TAXES above the rate previously approved by voters.

Yes on P will:

Provide modern classrooms, science labs, and career training facilities to prepare students for in- demand careers in nursing, health sciences, engineering, and technology

Repair leaky roofs, deteriorating plumbing, gas lines and faulty electrical systems

Improve earthquake safety

Remove hazardous materials like asbestos and lead

Improve access for students with disabilities

Measure P requires strict fiscal accountability and local control:

All funds must stay local to upgrade SBCC only and cannot be taken by the State

An independent oversight committee, annual audits, and public spending disclosure ensure funds are used as promised

Voting Yes on P qualifies SBCC for state matching funds that would otherwise go to improve schools and colleges in other communities.

By November 5, join educators, students, nurses, first responders, business and community leaders in voting YES on P to protect affordable higher education and career training at Santa Barbara City College WITHOUT INCREASING TAX RATES!